1. Übersetzen von English in Deutsch

    I went to this place last week and it was a very pleasant experience. The food was exquisite and a lot, i mean like really a lot, like wow. But it's was awesome, the cocktails were amazing too. The waiters were very kind and funny, this old man mamood or some whatever was quite the clown, making jokes. German saying He's from Bayern haha, that guy. This time I only brought a friend and we happened to stumble across this restaurant by coincidence but it was awesome. So next month my family are coming to visit me from Croatia and I'd like to take them here. It's like you know, like way better than other Asian food.

    • Essen & Trinken 10
    • Atmosphäre 7
    • Bedienung 10
    • Preis/Qualität 7
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