1. Übersetzen von English in Deutsch

    Amazing food (lekker!!), home made food (natural and very tasty!!) with a sophistication touch. We had a delicious soup in the beginning and this was followed by delightful entries and also the main course was superb! The owners of the restaurant were very attentive and gave us an explanation of each dish once served, this was so unique and we just loved it!! It was our first Persian dinner experience, and the food is so yummy and with real taste! We want to come back and we definitely recommend this place!! Dank je, it was heel lekker, Khoshmaze!!

    • Essen & Trinken 10
    • Atmosphäre 10
    • Bedienung 10
    • Preis/Qualität 10
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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