1. becky c
    Übersetzen von English in Deutsch

    Women; Warning! Don't go here if there are ever any men in the building, because you will wait until every guy is served before you get a simple soup. I ordered a soup at the same time my boyfriend ordered some food. My boyfriend got his food, i waited 5 minutes, then decided to remind the man. As I did, 4 other men walked in and he took their orders. Their orders were completed before MY soup was. I had to remind him 15 min after my boyfriend got his food. My boyfriend finished his food, and mine still hadn't been served. I asked him to refund me and he refused. I should have thrown it in his face, but I'm cool in the face of old school sexism.

    • Essen & Trinken 6
    • Atmosphäre 2
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 3
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