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    Service was absolutely terrible. We didn't even get let inside the building so I can't comment on the food. The staff had decided not to open on time despite us having a lunch reservation. They made it very clear to us that they had no intention opening up for us. They drank coffee, smoked and laughed inside for 30 minutes whilst we waited outside the building in the cold and rain. We asked if it would be possible to wait inside without ordering, just so that my 89 year old grandmother could sit down and be warm, they said NO. Eventually we had to give up and go elsewhere. I would not recommend this restaurant to anyone, unless the staff has since changed.

    • Essen & Trinken -
    • Atmosphäre -
    • Bedienung 2
    • Preis/Qualität -
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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