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  1. Übersetzen von English in Deutsch

    I have been a rather regular customer of Nam Kee's restaurants in Amsterdam. I appreciated the food very much. But especially the establishment at the Heinekenplein has never been good at a customer-friendly service. The grim faces of the old male servants became a sort of tradition.

    Last month I went back with a good friend for lunch. First of all, only after several requests we got the lunch menu (which offers cheaper dishes). The old unfriendly servant was even blunter than ever.

    Then the meat in the dish we ordered had lost all its feature of freshness. If you are ordering a cheaper menu that should not imply that you are going to eat old leftovers.

    The mix of unfriendly service and especially bad food is disgusting. I will never return to this restaurant and certainly not recommend it to anybody else.

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