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    We ordered hot Bread with aioli but the Bread was old, cold & the aioli looked like cocktail sauce and tasted like mayonaise. Was definitely not worth €4,50 per plate. I ordered a rib eye and a steak. The meat was dry! So dry! I had the feeling the meat came straight from the freezer and it was defrosted in the microwave. After this put on the plate. That is why i got my ribeye and my friend his steak raw the first time. After telling the them about the meat not medium and not well done they brought the meat that was too dry and too tough to chew on. Sorry but this was very dissapointing. Never defrost meat in the microwave! We didn't care about the ambiance of the restaurant what didn't seem to be finished but at least take good care of your food! One good point: loved the Fries.

    • Essen & Trinken 1
    • Atmosphäre 1
    • Bedienung 2
    • Preis/Qualität 1
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