1. Rosalia Denaro
    Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    Tonight my husband went there to get me 'patat met'. When i opened the bag at home there was a patat with peanutsauce, mayonaise and unions. He went back to get a new one. He told the man that he's been coming there for more than 10 years, and he was the one that made a stupid mistake that took 15 minutes extra of our time. My husband told the man that if he was decent, he'd give us something for free like a can of coke or something. But that was too much to ask for apparently...

    Also a few months ago this man wasn't very nice. We wanted to pay and the tone of his reaction was suprisingly rude. You want to pay? How do i know what you have ordered? I don't know!

    Just be polite, and if you make a mistake to a long coming customer, try to repair it with more than just a sorry because a simple sorry isn't compensating enough when you take extra time from your customers because you simply failed to put the right sauce in the little basket.

    • Essen & Trinken 8
    • Atmosphäre 6
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 8
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