Restaurant geschlossen

Carpaccio Club befindet sich jetzt auf dieser Standort

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    We made a reservation for a group of about ten people. They seperate the group in half, four on one table and 6 on the other one (What a group feeling, NOT). We asked the waiter if we could sit on a large table we saw in the back of the restaurant to sit together. The waiter was really mean and said that they reserved does two tables and it isn't possible to change.
    When the waiter came to ask what we wanted to drink she didn't even say welcome or goodnight, the only thing she sad was: DRINKS…
    They also served the food of the table of four people an hour later than the table of six, so we couldn't eat together and the six people had to wait for the 4 other people to finish.
    At the end when we asked for the check there where 3 things listed on the check that we didn't even order, two extra drinks and one whole meal.
    What a service. Never again.
    We where doubting to go to eat there because the time that we went to the ribs factory in Breda before we (3 persons) waited for 1,5 hour for our meal while others came in later and got served before us. (We didn't order something special) that time they also put something wrong on the check, they've put a meal double on the check. So look out and search for an other restaurant before you really want to go there.

    • Essen & Trinken 4
    • Atmosphäre 2
    • Bedienung 2
    • Preis/Qualität 4
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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