Restaurant geschlossen
  1. Ferdie den Boer
    Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    When looking for a place to eat in Sittard, you might never look beyond its market square, but you'd be well rewarded if you do. Just a tiny bit off the beaten path, on your way to Tempel plein where you might have parked your car, you'll pass through the arch of a historic and medieval building, the exterior of which already takes you back to more romantic times, but dare to go inside and you will find a cosy and well renovated restaurant with both the allure of fine dining and the warmth and comfort of perhaps your own living room.

    Nothing about this place is standard restaurant fare. Ben, The Duchess' english chef and owner has compiled a menu with dishes you are not likely to find anywhere else for miles around. Each of them delicious, each of them made with the utmost care, and each of them carrying a story which Ben will be happy to tell you all about.

    The staff is attentive, friendly, approachable and will make you feel like rock stars; taken care of in any way.

    Nothing and no one could keep me from coming back to The Duchess, I dare you to try.

    • Essen & Trinken 10
    • Atmosphäre 10
    • Bedienung 10
    • Preis/Qualität 10
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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