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    Sorry, maybe next time...
    I have come to “La Gondola”various times in the last 16 month. It is good, crazy to have to choose between...what... 120 different pizza?
    Last Saturday, though, I learned what it means when waiters think they work in the best restaurant in town and that all the clients are just wrong.
    To start, it was one of the warmest days in April ever recorded in Fryslân. Not only me, a lot of people were sitting just in T-Shirts on the Terrace at about 7 PM.
    I started with some Oysters..ok, wine, good, and then went for the pasta puttanesca... that came late and cold... when I tried to tell my waitress that my pasta cold i just got told “that’s what happens if you sit outside”... I did not really accept that and asked if that is really the right answer and I got told to ask the other 300 happy guests.... well ... I did not eat my puttanesca but paid for it, and I left.... maybe next time....

    • Essen & Trinken 7
    • Atmosphäre 5
    • Bedienung 3
    • Preis/Qualität 5
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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