Restaurant geschlossen

Grand Café Dukaat befindet sich jetzt auf dieser Standort

  1. Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    If you want a place where they don't care about customers then have I got the place for you!

    This place offers such great entertainment like:
    -Grabbing a plate back from the table to redistribute food unto other plates. The nerve!
    -Not serving a spoon when delivering the soup: hilarious!
    -The "mixed grill" is just 3 small nuggets of meat (not much bigger than a MacNugget). But as added value they completely overcook it all. It takes some skill to just ruin 3 different pieces of meat at the same time. Bravo!
    -Staff that just ignores you or blatantly disrespects you when complaining about food, that takes some commitment!

    And for the low price of 14,50 you too can have your eating experience ruined by this establishment. 1/10: would only recommend when you really want to be let down.

    • Essen & Trinken 1
    • Atmosphäre 1
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 1
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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