Restaurant geschlossen

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    This restaurant goes by the name of "Ciao", "Ciao Marco" or "Ciao Pirandello".

    Went there because my dutch friend and I had a food coupon. They told LIES all along, keep offering drinks or bread as if it was free but of course bill it in the end for an outrageous price. We ask for normal beer, we get a pint... We say we have twenty euro on the food coupon and want take out, they say take out is not possible with the card but that we can have a 3 courses meal for 20€ for both of us. We asked again and made them repeat several times to be sure we had understood clear. Shady? Yep... Got billed THREE TIMES that amount and even 20€ is way to expensive for that experience. Again, KEEP AWAY!!

    • Essen & Trinken 1
    • Atmosphäre 1
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 1
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