1. Übersetzen von English in Deutsch

    **1star because i cant give it anything lower**

    i Witnessed my first dose of open racism at Cloos recently. The security at the entrance stopped my friends and I from going in when he realized i was with the group.

    When asked for the reason we couldn't get in, he tried using his eyes and head to gesture in my direction but the lady leading the group wasn't having any of that and told him to say the exact reason. He later said it was because i had caused a ruckus the last time i was there and they had to kick me out. Funny thing is that night would be the first time i would even step in the direction of Cloos so nothing he described ever happened.

    My friends got so pissed and made it clear that it was my first time being there, after some mins he decided we could go in but we Must show him our ID's which was also strange as the much younger people before us were not asked for ID's. We ended up going elsewhere

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