1. Francine
    Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    Het eten was bijzonder slecht, Vitello tonnato met rosbief....calzone niet gaar, bij het opensnijden grote plas vocht op mijn bord. Nauwelijks gekruid, rauwe ui en een zeer waterig sausje. Frisdrank krijg je zonder ijsklontjes en tonic zonder citroen, ook als je er om vraagt.
    Calzone teruggebracht, hoefde maar 50 % te gaan betalen voor deze halfgare troep... echt niet!!

    • Essen & Trinken 1
    • Atmosphäre 4
    • Bedienung 6
    • Preis/Qualität 1
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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  1. Nunzio
    Von Restaurant

    Dear Francine
    I had to make a reaction for your bitter comments since you don't know what you are eating
    1) Vitello is veal ? and you think you are eating roastbeef (1-0)
    2) I make +/- 10 Calzone/ripieno a day and stated on menu takes at least 15mins to cook.. when you have onions-paprika-mushrooms in a sealed calzone please tell me where the stream/water goes? i can sat 99.9% ou neaver eaten a calzone. (2-0)
    3) Drinks are cooled to 2oc in a cooling why do you need ice ? since you didn't like the water in the calzone (did you ask may i have some ice?) (3-0)
    4) Please send me a link where is states that with tonic must be a lemon slice (again did you ask for one?) (3.5 - 0.5 i.ll give you half point)
    5) When you brought the calzone to me i was not going to change it but i did out respect, then you asked for a focaccia, you cleaned your plate yet you didn't say anything about it now we said the calzone 50% and focaccia free but again you write halfgare troep when you don't know what your eating.. so calzone removed from bill you paided for the focaccia you saved €1 (4.5 - 0.5)
    when writing a hate letter please tell the truth like i have done with all the respect to you.