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    I was part of a party of 4 at Delfi. Atmosphere was good on entering and I thought we were off to a good start. A nervous waitress walked up to the table to take our order for the appetizer and entree. We ordered and about 20 mins later, she came back with some lettuce, olives, cheese, cucumber sauce...I looked at the dish and thought, who needs 20 minutes to make this? It was a sign. After an hour of waiting, we asked the owner if there was a problem with the order, he mumbled something and walked away. Now I was sure we were in a pickle! 30-40 minutes later no dinner, we decided to leave, the owner was so rude to us, sayingthe food was ready and what was he to do with it.....hmmmm after 100mins waiting, we had lost our appetite. What a horrible experience! I could never in conscience recommend this place to anyone, especially if they are visiting. It's bad impression of restaurant service industry in Arnhem.

    • Essen & Trinken 7
    • Atmosphäre 7
    • Bedienung 2
    • Preis/Qualität 4
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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