1. Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    I stopped in here on this miserable day seeking a nice warm cup of something. I sat outside under their waterproof canopy with a gas heater warming my back.
    I was quickly approached by a waitress, this impressed me as I had just sat down alone outside without drawing any attention to myself, and expecting to go inside to place an order.
    I ordered a hot chocolate which was served within the minute topped with cream and a biscuit on the side. The waitress realising I was struggling with the menu took the time to translate a fair chunk of it into English for me so I could make a choice, I thought this was very thoughtful!
    My selection arrived very rapidly, A crusty brown bread roll topped with a generous serve of brie, drizzled with honey and sprinkled with pine nuts, I chased this with another hot chocolate. A tasty lunch at a reasonable price and with great service, my only complaint could be a slightly too crunchy bread roll...

    • Essen & Trinken 8
    • Atmosphäre 8
    • Bedienung 9
    • Preis/Qualität 9
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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