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    Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    In 6 years of living in this beautiful city of Amsterdam I never encountered such an unfriendly, incapable and impertinent "waiter" like today. He let us wait for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes I called him, so he came. "Have you ordered yet?" - "No" (we sat at an empty table, very creative question). "So what would you like to have?" My friend "We don't know, do you maybe have a menu?" - 5 Minutes later we get one (!) menu. We make our choice. But no waiter comes. And no: The terrace wasn’t full. And even if it was: 2 waiters are more than sufficient for the amount of seats. They could even spend a relaxed shift.

    After 30 minutes I go inside. Waiter standing inside, close to the bar. I look at him, he looks at me. No smile, no excuse nothing. He says "How can I help you?" - "I would like to order" - "Ja, then tell me." (incredible).

    I said: "We waited since quite a while I must say ...."


    I ordered.

    After this I was expecting a bad meal and couldn’t believe my tongue when his friendly (!) female colleague brought us our meals after a reasonable time: A gorgeous, very good hamburger, made with love and dedication. The fries were delicious too and my friend (a spoiled Italian) loved her salad with goat cheese and nuts. Incredibly good meals - and big compliments to the chef who worked this afternoon. During the next hour we didn’t see the waiter. So we went inside to
    pay. He put the bill on a table. We then had to move our asses to him behind the bar to pay.

    I asked him if the invoice is a proper BTW-invoice. Answer: "I don’t know" with an attitude of "what the fuck". My friend said to me: "If it mentions the 6% it should be fine." which was the signal for him to say "Its written there" with another, much stronger attitude of "what the fuck".

    This waiter is the worst employee imaginable. If you read this, and you are the owner of this place, and you care for your place, you should know what to do next. Remember: 6 years. And I am tired of people complaining about "the bad service in the Netherlands". Yes, it's different. But usually with the Dutch service comes a nice, friendly and relaxed person. Not in this case. If the food was crap I wouldn’t have made the effort to write this to you. But knowing about cuisine and the business I think you should be informed about the perspective of two of your guests who plan to visit you again and hope they wont meet this person again.

    • Essen & Trinken 10
    • Atmosphäre 10
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 10
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