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La Maschera befindet sich jetzt auf dieser Standort

  1. Pedrinho
    Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    The food and the service are not good and there is nothing Italian!
    It is also overprized regarding the quality.
    They used a lot of butter and garlic butter instead of fresh garlic to give everything a taste and it has been still without a taste.
    Besides the tasteless meat, the "potatoes from the oven" have been little pieces of cut fries swimming in oil and the "mixed 3 vegetables from the oven" has been just overcooked broccoli (a choice from the chef the waiter explained).
    There is nothing Italian. It is all from the supermarket around the corner.. even the wine.
    Yeah, I finished it because I have been very hungry after 1 hour waiting... but when I'm hungry everything normally taste very well. So maybe that gives an idea to you.

    • Essen & Trinken 2
    • Atmosphäre 2
    • Bedienung 2
    • Preis/Qualität 2
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