1. Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    We phoned in advance to place an order and they said it would be ready in 15 minutes - a complete lie as it turns out. We drove there, and I dropped my colleague off outside exactly 15 minutes after the phone order. The restaurant was full of angry customers who had also been lied to, and they had not even started cooking our order yet. I had to drive round and park illegally for well over half an hour (bringing the total waiting time to almost an hour). This is unacceptable. If it's going to take 45 minutes to prepare because you're busy, then fine, but don't waste my time like that.

    • Essen & Trinken 8
    • Atmosphäre 1
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 5
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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