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  1. Anna 111 Punkte
    Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    I was there with three friends. They liked the "restaurant". I didn't. Here are my points:
    + all dishes had the same price
    + not crouwded, easy to keep the conversation
    - smell inside, it smelled with WC! Very bad
    - it was cold inside
    - choice of dishes was very limited
    - just french fries and super simple salad were served with dishes. I would like to have a choice e.b. between fries and cooked potatos, salad could be of much better quality
    + BIG PLUS for brownies! These were perfect!

    • Essen & Trinken 6
    • Atmosphäre 2
    • Bedienung 5
    • Preis/Qualität 6
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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  1. Dear Anna,
    I'm sorry to hear that our concept wasn't what you expected. It's even worse to see that you're friends all liked our restaurant, and you're the one posting on this site.
    I would like to suggest something for future reference; if something isn't exactly what you wanted it to be, or what you expected, please tell the people that serve you. It is for a reason that we send our boys and girls by your table. If something's wrong, we NEED to know. We'll fix it.
    If we don't hear from you, we can't fix anything. therefore it's very disappointing to read this review.
    For us, the damage is done. To make sure this doesn't happen to colleagues of ours, please tell the people in service if there is any form of complaint.

    Kind regards,

    Eetcafé Allerlei
    Erik Wittop koning