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    Service was terrible. there were only 2 tables and it took so long for us to get the menu to look at, the first drink and also the food. Most of the time we had to walk in to get the waiter's attention which I cannot understand as it was clearly not busy for them and they had 3 waiter and waitress standing around inside.

    I ordered mussels, that was ok. But my husband ordered their BBQ food, it was a really stingy tiny portion.

    And the worse thing that happened was this:
    According to their website they wrote this about getting 50% parking at i-dock if you dine at their restaurant.
    - First I presented my parking card to them, they exchanged a so called valid parking card to me to get my 50% but I walked back to my parking lot, to realise it's not valid. So I had to walk back.
    - When I walked back, the waitress had thrown away my original valid parking card and didn't make effort to help me to find it, until I had to firmly ask them to look for it in the rubbish bin.
    - Note: losing your original parking card is a fine of 50 euros at i-dock.
    - They gave me the parking ticket supposedly with 50% off, but I went to my parking lot and it wasn't!! I was so upset I wasn't planning to make a second walk back again.

    Very inexperienced staff and poor service with low value food. Don't trust in that 50% parking at i-dock because they don't know what they are doing.

    Nice view, but it's my last time here.

    • Essen & Trinken 2
    • Atmosphäre 8
    • Bedienung 1
    • Preis/Qualität 2
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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