1. Übersetzen von Nederlands in Deutsch

    Good reviews about this restaurant ARE GREATLY EXAGGERATED!
    If you want to lose a lot of time waiting for your dish, to pay for tasteless food, to get rude attitude from the waiters – then visit this restaurant Alexandra!
    The restaurant staff is clearly interested only in serving local wealthy customers. Waiters ignore non-local customers! We had to wait 55 minutes for the first course! When I told the waitress that we were waiting for our order for almost an hour, she haughtily replied to me with a grin: "This is normal!". The waiter not only did not apologize for our long waiting, but also began to justify himself that we were to blame by ordering a complicated dish.
    The first course was completely tasteless with a taste of cheap fried oil. The second course was acceptable, but the price for this food was clearly overpriced! The bottle of wine is constantly being taken away. And you have to catch a waiter to bring you your wine and fill a glass. Without waiting for dessert, we paid and left! I do not recommend visiting this disappointing place to anyone!!!

    • Essen & Trinken 4
    • Atmosphäre 6
    • Bedienung 2
    • Preis/Qualität 2
    0 positive Stimmen0 negative Stimmen

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